
The Effect of VAE+HGMM and GMM Feedback :

In our VDGEC method, we jointly optimize the reconstruction loss and clustering loss in the objective function by VDGEC.

The loss function :

The first term is the clustering loss, the second term is reconstruction loss.

With epoch increase, , which means , the reconstruction loss goes down. And the , so the clustering loss goes down.






About clear reduction in early epochs:

About no clear reduction in latter epochs:


Effect of Model Parameters.





The evaluation is conducted by changing one parameter (e.g., K) while fixing the other (e.g., τ). The above picture shows the performance of VDGEC for different values of K and τ. When τ goes small, HGMM will hard to fuse, the learning process will end earilier. When τ goes big, HGMM will merge more components in an iteration, the total level will be lower. In practice, we raise τ after every iteration, as the margin of cluster goes wide. When K goes small, the initial cluster number goes down, HGMM contributes less as the inital cluster could be the final result. The bigger the K goes, the edge number of taxonomy raises and the fine-grained relation will output.